
woensdag 21 december 2011

Food Bloggers Unplugged

I was tagged by Gem at Cupcake Crazy Gem to join in a game of tag! The idea of Food Bloggers Unplugged, started by Susan from A Little Bit of Heaven on a Plate, is to learn more about the foodie behind the blog. I thought it was a fun way to tell you a little more about me and my love for food and baking in particular, so I was happy to join in!

1. What, or who inspired you to start a blog?

My love for baking came from my grandmother. She used to bake us lovely cookies and cakes all the time. My first blogpost was a recipe from my nan: her raisin cookies were my absolute favourite cookies as a child! Of course she knew, so she always gave me the biggest cookie ;-D
   I was inspired by other (food) bloggers to start my blog; I spent so much time reading other people's blogs I thought I should just start my own!

2. Who is your foodie inspiration?

I have so many: other food bloggers, Rachel Allen, Lorraine Pascale, Nigella Lawson, Mary Berry. Bakers and cooks who appear on (BBC) food shows such as The Great British Bake Off, Saturday Kitchen and MasterChef.

3. Your greasiest, batter - splattered food/drink book is?

I guess that would be my laptop; I get a lot of recipes online. I'm kind of a neat freak actually, so you won't find many greasy, batter-splattered cookbooks around here. Besides, there's not one particular book I use all the time, I have a lot of cookbooks I love to use.

4. Tell us all about the best thing you have ever eaten in another country, where was it, what was it?

That's a tough one, because I've eaten lots of things I absolutely loved...

I lived in Buenos Aires for a while doing research for my Master's thesis and I ate some amazing food there!
   I had great steak at La Cabrera. The Bife de Lomo and Bife de Chorizo − and I'm not talking about the sausage?! − at this parrilla are fab. You even have to get in line for a table at this place, but when it's summer and you get champagne while you wait that's not so bad ;-)
   Unlike what most people think, they do have lots of other great food, besides meat, in Argentina. I've had some of the best sushi in Buenos Aires. And, what about pasta and ice cream! These are also very good (many Argentinians are of Italian descent)!
   Don't forget dulce de leche, a lovely and sweet milk-based caramel sauce! Argentinians have a real sweet tooth and they like dulce de leche on anything: pancakes, cookies, medialunas (my absolute fave!) which are little croissants, etc.

Great steak at La Cabrera!

Oh, and I loved the Coconut Pudding at Mama Africa in Cape Town. It's really moist and it's so rich you need to order a taxi to get back to your hotel (well, you should do that anyway for your own safety ;-)...).

5. Another food bloggers table you'd like to eat at is?

Manuela from Passion 4 Baking because she makes the most beautiful cupcakes and I love her pink vintage style! I think she's a lovely person and she's half Dutch ;-)

6. What is the one kitchen gadget you would ask Santa for this year (money no object of course)?

That's an easy one! I would ask Santa a KitchenAid Artisan Stand Mixer! Since money is no object I'd love the Raspberry Ice, a silver one, a black one and maybe he could throw in a Candy Apple Red mixer too 'cause I simply can't choose... ;-)

7. Who taught you how to cook?

My mum, my dad, my lovely grandma, Jamie, Nigella...

8. I'm coming to you for dinner what's your signature dish?

My baking signature dish are my Raspberry Cupcakes with white chocolate and pistachios. Everyone loves these!

9. What is your guilty food pleasure?

Not so guilty, actually ;-)
   Anything with butter and sugar in it: cheesecake, cupcakes, brownies/blondies, oatmeal cookies, scones with clotted cream and lemon curd... you name it! And I love good cheese, nachos with a spicy salsa or guacamole and much more ;-)

10. Reveal something about yourself that others would be surprised to learn?

I have been avoiding the scale ever since I started my blog...

Not food related:

I used to have a crush on George Michael when I was about 7 years old?!

Finally...tag 5 other food bloggers with these a hot baked potato...pass it on!

Kelly from An American Cupcake in London
Betsy from JavaCupcake
Manuela from Passion 4 Baking
Rosie from Sweetapolita
Andrea from Made With Pink

If you have been tagged, please link up your entry here and if you tweet, use #foodbloggersunplugged on twitter.


Thanks for tagging me, Gem!

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Lovely to hear more about you...thanks for joining in hope you get your Christmas wish. x

  2. Oh so fun that you joined in, sorry have been super busy this week and haven't had a chance to catch up on blogs! Loved learning more about you, I avoid the scales at all cost these days too, and how did Santa do with your KitchenAid desires this year?
    Vrolijke Kerstmis! Hope you have a lovely and delicious day with your family too!

  3. @Gem: that's ok, no worries :-) Christmas time is always very busy... Loved taking part in the tag!
    I don't think I will be finding a KitchenAid under the Christmas tree this year, let alone 4 ;-D
    How sweet of you to wish me a merry X-mas in Dutch! Happy Holidays Gem!

  4. Damn, je bent gewoon in Buenos Aires én in Cape Town geweest. Dat laatste geluk had ik ook. Het eten (en de wijn!) daar was ook niet verkeerd...

  5. @Femke: wat leuk dat je ook in Cape Town bent geweest! Ik denk vaak terug aan het lekkere eten in beide steden − en zeker ook de heerlijke wijn ;-)
